Silent Auction

Click here to make your bids for the items online and select ‘Donation Enquiry‘. Please indicate whether you are bidding on the ‘picture‘ or ‘linocut‘ and the amount you wish to bid. You may also want to include a maximum bid amount you are prepared to go up to (e.g. My Picture bid is £40, with a max bid of up to £60).

The suggested minimum starting bid for

  • the picture is £40 and
  • the linocut £10

Alternatively you can place your bids on the sheets at the back of church where these items Denis created are on display.

All funds raised will go towards the maintenance and mission of St Johns in this wonderful Grade II listed building.

Many thanks to Denis’ family for donating these items.

To those using WP Church APP

Due to the website moving its address the app is not working. Everything has been updated ready. To make it all work again you all need to log out / back in to the app.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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