Marker G.
Note on your right the ‘kissing gate’ beside the flagpole. Before you reach the bench take the footpath to the left passing under the large Copper Beech tree beside the west window of church. Continue beyond where the paths cross noticing on the left corner a fig tree. You will meet another path on your right marked by a small arrow which leads you behind the church. Along this path turn right by a ‘Burning Bush’ plant diagonally opposite a water standpipe. This leads you to the rear of The Tamberlin Tea Room. Turn left by another Copper Beech tree. In front of you are two large Variegated Norwegian Maple Trees and on your right a large English Oak. Follow the path to the right and on the next corner, opposite the East window there is a recently planted apple tree, ‘Ashmead’s Kernel’. Under the east window is an Olive Tree a couple of commemorative roses and a St John’s Wort bush. Follow the shingle path to the right for the next marker.
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