Eco Church

Here at St John’s, we support these and other organisations, through information sharing and via the weekly notices and prayers:

A Rocha and Eco church
Through the work of A Rocha, St John’s is registered with Eco church working towards a reward status. Eco Church is a learning community of churches of all shapes and sizes. It provides a framework to support your church and its leadership to take practical action on caring for God’s earth. It includes a toolkit of resources, an online award survey, a quarterly email update, online events, prayer forums and occasional conference.

Green Christian
Green Christian is a group of ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions. Inspired by our faith, we do what we can to care for Creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.

Operation Noah
How should Christians respond to the climate crisis? Should the church be involved with politics? How do Christian values relate to climate change? Operation Noah aims to tackle these questions in several ways. Through: Theology, Campaigning, Equipping, Prayer and Partnerships.

Christian Aid
Through the campaigning of Christian Aid, we support efforts campaigning for those who have done the least to cause the climate crisis and who are dealing with damage to harvests and homes, right now.

Diocese of Southwark and Church of England
We keep up with the work of the Diocese of Southwark though its notice board and attending online seminars ( ) and those organised by the national church

This is only a snapshot of what we seek to do. For more information contact our Environment Working Group via mailto://[email protected]

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