Healing and Wholeness next service

Sunday 25th June at 5pm, streamed online. A quiet half hour of prayer, available to join via the link on the day or anytime after that at a time you choose (so you can come in-person to the informal worship that evening if you wish.) Our prayers always join with one another, with all the saints and the company of heaven – so it’s an opportunity to lift any concerns on our hearts to the Lord and pray for the wellbeing of all and the care of his creation.

What is the Service of Wholeness and Healing?

This monthly online streamed service is part of our ministry as a Healing Hub Church.  Our journey with God and with one another is a journey towards wholeness of mind, body and spirit.  Our service is a way to bring the whole of ourselves, and everything and everyone we care about, to God, asking for his healing touch.

The service is every fourth Sunday of the month at 5pm and lasts around 30 minutes.  The link is always on the website a few days before. We use words and prayers from the Christian Community in Iona.  It is inclusive in breadth and in language.  We come together acknowledging that we all need God’s loving touch in different ways.  We offer an open space for a time of quiet prayer and reflection.  If you are unable to join us at 5pm on the day, all our services remain available to join in later via our website, or search YouTube or Facebook for St John the Evangelist, Shirley.

St John’s is a Healthy Healing Hub church, linked with other churches and the Guild of Health and St Raphael, a national Christian organisation. You can read more about this here: https://www.stjohnsshirley.org.uk/2022/12/12/st-johns-church-a-healthy-healing-hub/

This service of Healing and Wholeness and our Eucharistic life together are a way of inviting God into the heart of all that matters to us and allowing him to reveal his heart of purposeful, healing love in our lives and community.

If you would like to talk to someone or would like a candle to be lit to offer silent prayer intentions during the service please contact the Vicar of a member of the ministry team.

Next Service of Healing and Wholeness: Sunday 25th June at 5pm online

St John’s Church: a Healthy Healing Hub

Bringing Belonging, Meaning and Hope

The Healthy Healing Hub Project is a nationwide initiative run by the Guild of Health and St Raphael, a Christian charity committed to healing in its widest sense. St John’s Church joined this partnership with the Guild and other churches earlier this year and became a Healthy Healing Hub. Our aim as a Hub Church is to promote health, wellbeing and healing in our local community, working collaboratively to identify and alleviate need.

As a Healing Hub Church, we recognise the impact of the pandemic and economic downturn on the most vulnerable among us. We have a holistic outlook, caring for mind, body and spirit. Our work and witness in the healing ministry of St John’s Church community is missional in its focus on pastoral and ecological concerns and our commitment to Inclusive Church.

Please pray for St John’s as a Healthy Healing Hub, and the active conversations that are taking place as we discern together the direction of the Spirit in this work and God’s plan for the flourishing of all.

Our healing ministry is the work of the whole Church community, resourced and supported by the Guild as needed and connecting with other churches and organisations. As part of our daily eucharistic sacrifice, we offer our souls and bodies, our time and resources and open our buildings to those in need. We pray that St John’s will become a place of encouragement and renewal – bringing Belonging, Meaning and Hope.

More information from The Revd Lu Gale, or email [email protected]

Help make St John’s a Warm Space

During this cold weather and times of hardship for many people, St John’s, like many local churches are already, is planning to offer a warm space of welcome for our community.

To help us learn more together, there is a short online training session through Eventbrite this Wednesday run by the Warm Welcome Campaign, to give some practical tips on how to get started.  It’s free, only 45 minutes and hopefully will inspire and equip us to take this forward.

As a ‘Healthy Healing Hub’ church this is part of our outreach and service, so do think about how you can help- on a rota- with making this happen, even if you can’t tune into the online information session. We will need volunteers of all kinds once we get going: setting up, chatting with people, providing something simple and warming like soup and a roll, so please pray and contact the Vicar or a churchwarden if you would like to find out more or think you can help in any way. Thank you.

[email protected]


All Souls at St John’s

Our Shed was filled with Light for our All Souls Service yesterday as we prayed for those we have lost, who have passed to a greater Light and Peace.

“The Lord redeems the life of his servants, and is near to the broken-hearted.” Ps.34

Churches Together in Shirley Unity Service this Sunday 6pm

Everyone is welcome at this Service on 23rd January at St George the Martyr, Shirley.

It is a lovely opportunity to be together, either in-person or online, to celebrate our unity and pray for our Christian witness in our community.

Use this link https://youtu.be/jmDhdTVnrgQ or just come to St George’s (there will be masks and social distancing.)

Please pray for the work of Churches Together at this time when healing is so needed in our lives and communities.

Healing and Wholeness Service today at 5pm

Streamed service this evening, at 5pm, a quiet half an hour of reflection and prayer for the start of Holy Week. Click here to join: https://youtu.be/w9_sEWTattI

Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) by Sister Claire, SMMI


Fuller Seminary Archives and Special Collections, “COLLECTION 0064: Collection of Sr. Claire, SMMI Biblical Art, 1980-2003”
(2018). List of Archival Collections. 154.

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