Lets all Stand up to Cancer

Please save the 18th May in your diaries.

There will be Coffee and Cake in the Tamberlin room to raise money for Cancer Research UK on the 18th May between 9:30am and 12:30pm

TT4G 30th April

Remember tomorrow morning (30th April) the church will be open from 08:00 to 09:30 for Take time for God. Please feel free to come for as much or little time as you need.

Shrublands Foodbank

These are the URGENT items required for the food bank. These can be left at the back of church, taken to the food bank or left in the donation box at the Shirley co-op.

More information on the food bank can he found here

Christian Aid week is coming

Christian Aid Week: ‘All mums should live’

Sierra Leone is the world’s most dangerous place to become a mum. Every day 10 women die from giving birth. In Sawula district, the community struggle with a clinic which has no electricity and only two delivery beds.

Tea Room 28th April

The Tea room will be open this afternoon between 3 and 5.50pm. Why not come for a chat over tea and cake and say hello to Viv, Kat and Amy.

The tea room is open in the Tamberlin room which is behind the church.


Remember its Take time for God tomorrow morning from 8am.

The Church will be open for you to take the time out to pray for those things that are important to you.

Flower Festival initial meeting invite

If you would like to create a display or support the Festival in other ways, you are invited to attend a meeting in the Tamberlin Room at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 30th April.  The theme of the Festival is “For the Beauty of the Earth – Flowers and Food of the World” and will support the Food Bank and fund raising for the essential repair of the Spire.

More details will be available on the flower festival page

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